St John Capital
Tel No: +27 (0) 11 807 9205 / +27 (0) 82 495 0465
Contact: Michael Dale
Designation: Director
Email: mdale@stjohncapital.co.za
Website: www.stjohncapital.co.za
Address: Corporate Finance
Fullard Mayer Office Park
4 Morris Street West

St John Capital is a focused financial services company providing corporate finance and investment advisory services. We are an experienced, focused corporate advisory and investment management firm in South Africa and leverage skills within our network to provide objective and well considered advice to clients on a variety of financial transactions. St John Capital prides itself on its track record and delivering corporate finance solutions to clients across a broad spectrum of industries in South Africa.
We are primarily focused on providing clients with independent corporate finance advice with an emphasis on swift execution of strategic corporate actions. We advise on transactions which include both Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed and unlisted clients. We prefer to build deep relationships with our clients over the long term to successfully build their business and execute their strategic objectives.
We are passionate about the critical factors that drive fundamental value, and partner with our clients and other service providers to achieve swift execution while providing independent, objective advice.